Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mom, I need to be dried too!

I think he likes it!

Evan has his FIRST peanut butter and jelly sandwhich today! I think he really likes it!

Recent Videos...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Oluva and Andy"

Olivia and Andrea came over today for a playdate and Evan calls Olivia "Oluva" and Andrea "Andy". So cute! The kids had fun playing and dumping lots of toys out!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Funday!

What a great Sunday!! The weather was WONDERFUL and we enjoyed every bit of it. We went to breakfast at Great Hill Maple House this morning with our neighbors Christian and Dan. Later, mommy gave Evan a haircut for the first time and Evan got a lollipop just like he would at the barber shop! He did great while his hair was being cut. Later on, we played outside for a LONG time and Evan helped Dan garden and then he scooped Evan up to look at the kitties in the house! Evan loves to say "Cistian and Dannnn" all day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oldies by Goodies!!

Lindsay as a child....

Matt as a child....

The early years......
Lindsay, captain of the cross country team 99

I got a box of old stuff from highschool and found god pics that I just HAD to share!! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Olivia and Joe's Shower

Today we went to Olivia and Joe's baby shower for baby Jacob! There was a lot of people and they got lots of nice stuff! Our good friend Andrea made the cake for the shower. Everyone loved it!

Nice Weather

Weather was fantastic this weekend so we spent a lot of time outside!! Evan just couldn't get enough of being outside! Jude was out enjoying the weather too!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cleaning Man!

Evan loves helping mom clean! The new broom and vacuum came in and he was so ready to use them!! The vacuum picks up a little too!!