Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Evan!

I went in for a routine 38 week visit on July 31st for a 9:45 appt. Doc wanted to do a NST (non stress test) because I didn't feel the baby move yet that morning. She hooked me up, after 30 min, still no movement so she brought me to ultrasound. I laid on the table and a min. later my water broke. Scary though because there was a lot of meconium in the fluid. My OB came right in and they wheeled me up to the family center (how convenient right?) and got me in bed and hooked me up to everything. Because of the meconium in the amniotic fluid, they had to take a lot of special precautions for his birth and immedietly they were right on top of it. For those who don't know, this means the baby took a poop inside of me at some point because of stress. Now, in the OB office, I was 1 1/2 cent. dialated and 65-70% effaced. After and hour in labor and delivery, the doctor checked and I was already 5 cent. dialated. I told her to please get me the epidural now before it was too late! My contractions were coming 1-2 min apart consistently since my water had broken! I got my epidural thank goodness! Let me tell you that I thought that did not hurt what so ever! Maybe that is just me though! I did not feel anything from this point on. Epidurals are the best!! An hour later, the nurse checked me again and I was 10 centimeters and ready to push! So my water broke at 11:30ish and I was ready to push around 3:45ish or so! I couldn't believe it! I was so nervous to push so they said I could take a little bit to gear up for it since he was doing fine in there. However, at one point his heart rate dropped significantly and some other nurses came in to make sure things were ok and that was so scary! Luckily it was good from that point on. So when I was ready to push, my OB came back with the ped. on call so she could make sure he was ok with the meconium. 40 or so min later, Evan was born! The nurses and doctor told me I did amazing and had all great pushes. I did not feel anything! I did tear and she did a lot of work down there! When he was born, Matt couldn't cut the cord since they had to take him right away to make sure he didn't swallow any meconium. He is beautiful! He has the best set of lips and a little pudgy nose and a little bit of hair. Matt did amazing during the birth! He was so supportive and did all the right things and watched the WHOLE thing even though he said he wouldn't! We are doing pretty good so far...tired and happy in the sam respect! :)