That is right Evan! You CAN drive! Lately...Evan has been asking to drive mommy and daddy's cars and we all know he can't! He also LOVED the cozy coupe car at Imajine That last time he went and he saw pictures of his friends who had them and kept pointing and asking about them. Last week, a woman that mommy sees for home visits found one for her son for a deal at Marshalls and she called to see if I wanted one too! I could not pass up the offer so daddy and I put together the Cozy Coupe last night and Evan was very happy to see it when he woke this morning! His mouth went wide open and he said "wow!!" then he got in, got back out and then gave mommy a big hug...then said "happy birthday to me!!" Hahaha....he knows it is an early birthday gift from mommy and daddy! Enjoy the new ride buddy!
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