Evan's 2 Year Checkup:
We met Dr. Lamm his new pediatrician yesterday. Evan really liked him as well as mommy! He was such a nice guy and really had fun with Evan. Evan liked him so much he asked about him last night a couple times!
Anyways.....Dr. Lamm was certainly impressed by Evan's development. He was right on cue and advanced in some areas, especially with his speech. Dr. Lamm was so impressed by Evan's 5-6 word sentences and the vocabulary that he has! Evan can sing many songs, he can count to 11 and he can sing his ABC's. He is starting to learn his colors as well. He also has started taking an interest in puzzles more and he can master a few at the house. Lately, he is starting to do a lot of pretend play. For example, with his baby (sammie), he will hold him and say "sammie, you want juice?" "Ok, have some juice" and feed him the bottle. It is so cute! He will also talk to Cody and Rusty like they are his friends!
Along with his great development, comes the nasty tantrums! Yuck!! Lately, we have been dealing with a lot of that! Very typical for a 2 year old and it gets better....Dr. Lamm said it lasts after they are 3 yrs. old too. He has been so moody lately and mommy and daddy are trying their hardest to make him calm but it is also important to let the child experience those moods so they know how to cope with those moods.
Evan has also entered a stage where he cries a lot at bed time. Not fun for mommy and daddy as we have had about 15 months of putting Evan down in his crib at bedtime and he would just go right to sleep with the exception on those occasional nights where something was "off". Lately, he is crying for up to 10-20 min. to a time asking for us so one of us has to go back up there and be a little firm with him to tell him it is bed time. After a while, he will go to sleep but it has been taking 25-45min. to get him to sleep! I hope this doesn't last long!
Evan is 27.5 lbs. and 34 1/2 inches tall. He lost about a lb. since his 18 mo. checkup but he hasn't been eating much lately and VERY picky lately as well. Dr. wasn't concerned.
Mommy and Dr. Lamm talked about transitioning Evan into a big boy bed and I think we will be doing it sometime this summer. We also talked about getting rid of the binky....something we have been starting to work on as Evan does not use one at daycare at all anymore.
I wear my sunglasses at night...
10 years ago
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