Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Great Christmas 2009!

Christmas Eve at Pepere and Grandma Rosie's house!

Evan loves to listen to stories by Uncle Bob!
Auntie Sissa and Evan looking for Santa after the guys were shaking bells!

Evan enjoyed helping his great grandmother open presents!

Evan left Santa a nutterbutter bar and milk...Santa enjoyed...

Evan is REALLY into music instruments so Santa was all over that!

Daddy was VERY excited about his new Blu-Ray DVD player, can you tell??

Little musician!

Evan also enjoys building things and fixing things with his tools!

After Christmas morning, we were off to a few of the stops was to mommy's italian side of the family! Here we are with cousin Shannon!

Evan with his great grandfather...mommy's grandfather...Nano

Uncle Joe was very interested in what Santa brought Evan!

We had such a GREAT Christmas with family!!!