Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Evan!

Yesterday was Evan's 3rd Birthday! Happy Birthday buddy!! His obsession with Toy Story was in full bloom at his party for sure! Everything from stickers & balloons to a TS3 sprinkler and pez dispensers! Who doesn't remember Pez dispensers??
Anyways...a few of his friends came to join the family for a great birthday party! It was perfect weather for a great day!
Andrea made an awesome Rocket TS3 birthday cake that everyone was amazed by. It was such a shame to cut into it but it had to be eaten...mmmmm yummy!
Evan was bombarded with Toy Story toys & games! He is very happily enjoying his toys this morning!
Thanks everyone for making his birthday so special!! It will be his last birthday as an "only" child!